Monday, July 7, 2008

"Young and the Restless" Star Sharon Case Follows Love, not Biological Clock

Young and the Restless star Sharon Case is reported as one of those girls who daydreamed about a career versus daydreaming about being a mother. However, that does not mean she is excempt from motherhood.

She is said to have found love with husband Sandy Corzine and is now planning to have a family with him. For her, having children is more about who she loves versus because her biological clock ticking.

Note from Writer:

I can truly identify with Sharon Case. Just like her, I personally do not care how long it takes me to have a family.

Likewise, just like Sharon I also do not want to settle because my biological clock is ticking. So, I am proud of women like this who choose love over having babies.

I must admit I also mirror her sentiment when she says "more that one would be too much." She loves to travel. Boy, Sharon and I would have been great friends if we had ever met!

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