Thursday, July 10, 2008

Expectant Dad Pete Wentz Says he is Becoming Like His Father

Not that it would be a bad thing, but Pete Wentz jokes with People magazine saying he is becoming like his dad. He gets up at 7 a.m., drives to work, complains about traffic, cleans up puppy poop, and makes sure everything his pregnant wife Ashley Simpson-Wentz has green olives on it.

And...he appears to not want to change a bit of his life! When asked about how he views being an expectant father he says, "It's really, really, really, really exciting."

If that isn't enough, he also shares his experience while visiting the doctor's office. He freaks out (presumably in a good way), and says "it's this crazy thing, this thing you made" s he views the ultrasounds.

He is definitely seems to send a strong message that he is a proud expecting dad, and he is reported as saying talking to his baby all the time. Pete currently hosts the MTV show FNMTV Premieres.

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