Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jennifer Lopez Fears She is a Bad Mom

For most new moms having a baby is quite an adjustment-even for new celebrity mom Jennifer Lopez. In this case, she seems to be way harder on herself than the press is.

When the twins cry J-Lo also sheds frantic tears, wondering what she did wrong. Fortunately, her husband Marc Anthony appears to be very supportive of her. He constantly reassures Jennifer that she is a great mom.
By the way, this refutes the rumor that Jennifer Lopez does not care about her kids. Whoever says that at this time has no evidence, does not know what he or she is talking about.

1 comment:

ExpandForFree said...

I can't imagine Jennifer Lopez being any worse than other celebrity moms. Besides, a mom is a mom and nobody can ever take that title away from any mother.

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